Monday, March 29, 2010

habla espanol... and a few other things

I've been so busy, I haven't had time to post! So much has happened since my last post, I can't believe it. Here are some highlights. Mama said she'll post movies and pictures in a few days.

- Christmas! Santa brought me my first guitar and a race car track. I love to play the guitar with daddy and I'm practicing singing now too. My race cars are really cool and the headlights come on!
- A big boy bed! Out with the baby crib and in with my big bed. It took me only a week to learn to sleep in it. And I got stickers for doing such a good job. And, my Auntie Julia sent me a moon/sun light. When the moon comes on, I get in bed. When the sun comes up, I get to get out of bed!
- My first sledding trip. Mama and daddy took me sledding. It was really cold but super fun because I got to ride down the hill so fast!
- For Valentine''s Day, we took Charlie and we all went back to Alderbook. It was fun in our rain boots walking on the beach!
- I am learning Spanish, next time you see me, ask me to count to 10 and I can do it!
- I talk all the time. Talking is fun now because I can have conversations with people.
- Words that I say funny: Ardvark = Ardavark, Pepperoni= Petaroni, Hamburger = Hagaber. Mommy makes me say " The Ardvark ate a hamburger with pepperoni" and then we all laugh
- I sing all the time. Daddy tells me I have a beautiful voice. I like to sing the bumble bee song, the black bear song, red rover red rover and sing the ABCs
- I am working on going potty in the toilet. I like to take off my diaper and we bought big boy underwear for me.
- I know the days of the week, you should ask me to sing those too when you see me!

Well, we'll post photos in a few days and I'll get better about writing in my blog. But, I'm a very busy kid.