Monday, November 24, 2008

Mr. Trouble

Last week I teased my mom by showing her I could walk. But since then I've decided crawling is much faster. Head down and I can move! I am a very smart boy. And, very mischievous. I like to laugh as I crawl, a boy on a mission and no one will stop me!

Yesterday I got to play at Nana & Bompa's house. It was fun pulling all the books of their shelves and trying to pull the lamps off the tables! Suddenly their house is full of fun new big people "toys"

New things I've discovered:

- the TV on/off button
- the volume to the stereo
- how to get on the couch
- the internet connection into the wall
- window shades
- that people put more stuff on top of desks and tables, now I see them AND reach them
- my sound machine, its fun to throw
- washing my hands is fun!
- how to kiss mama
- playing hide and seek games with little things in my daddy's closed hands

Monday, November 10, 2008

Letter from Gramma

Today was a fun day. I got to play all day with my cousins- Ryan, Nikki and Megan.  My mama let me skip my nap for a whole day of fun. But the best part was coming home to a letter from my Gramma. I'm posting it here, so I will always have it close. I hope Gramma doesn't mind!

Hello my darling Breck, Mommy and Daddy,
I was so happy to see a new addition to your blog and read about your new tricks.  Flushing the toilet takes muscles and dexterity.  That's a pretty good feat.  I love the sound the toilet makes, don't you?  I think my favorite pass-time is to empty drawers, too.  Sometimes I put everything on the floor but then I get to put it back in the drawer.  I like to do that too.  Sitting still is sometimes very hard to do, like when you're riding in the car.  But then soon you are at school or gramma's or back home and you can run and run and yell.  Yehhhh.  And walking is sooooo much fun.  So many new places to go and explore it just wears you out.  On nice days do you and Charlie go for a walk? When you come to visit, Leo and Max will take you for walks and play with you.  Max likes to bark a lot but Leo is gentle and loves to catch the ball when you throw it.   If you're by the beach I'd love to get another rock you choose for me. I think mom and dad have pretty much found enuff rocks for me so will you do it for me???? I will show you my collection of beautiful rocks and shells.  Some are shaped like a heart. 
Gramma is trying to learn new tricks on the computer so I can share all your fun.  Today I found I could make a silly face to make you smile and I hope you like my new "font" . This should reaallly impress mommy and daddy becuz they know I have so much to learn.
Today I am going to Auntie Julia's for supper.  Your grampa is fixing beef stew for us.  When you come to visit he'll make something very special just for you. Your counsin Paul got an award last week for being the most helpful student in his homeroom.  We are very proud of him for that.  He can't wait to see you.  I'm sure he will want to play ball with you.  And I think you will make him laugh lots and lots.
My friends are coming over soon so I have to get ready.  That takes a long time and sometimes you can't even tell but I always give 'em a big hug and a smile and maybe they don't notice. 
I love you verrrry much Breck David Estep.  Your news makes me so happy.  Can you kiss mommy and daddy for me?  Or just lick them---but no biting. 
 Winking smile emoticon

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Things I am working on...

  1. walking: just about there. maybe by the end of the weekend
  2. talking: i have all sorts of new words and phrases but no one seems to understand me
  3. yelling for charlie: i am getting quite good at this
  4. biting: although my mama does not think this is funny
  5. emptying drawers as fast as possible: so far i have mastered one kitchen drawer and one bedroom drawer. it goes like this-- stand up, open drawer, dive in with both hands, toss over the shoulder as fast as possible, leave the room
  6. using my front teeth to take little bites. teeth are fun! and now i have 2 molars!
  7. clicking my tongue on the roof of my mouth
  8. flushing the toilet. again, my mama does not think this is funny
  9. arching my back to avoid getting into my car seat. again, my mama not so thrilled
  10. drinking out of my new favorite thermos, a canteen from my auntie alicia.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

My first shiner

I had a little fall today. I was really excited to crawl up the stairs when my arm got out from under me. I managed to land my head on the edge of the stair in the exact same spot where I hit the corner of the bed earlier today. Its been a rough 12 hours, but there are just too many things for me to explore and I am a very confident little boy who likes to move as fast as possible. I wont let my mama or daddy ice it, I think I will just tough this one out because I am not letting anyone near it! Good news, this has not set me back. I have even more energy than before. Pretty sure, nothins gonna slow me down!