Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine's Day Eve

My Mama took me to school today for our Valentine's party. We all brought Valentine's for each other and put them in these little red bags. Inside the bag were lots of goodies: cookies, candies, a book and cards. Then my teachers Sarretha and Amy spoiled us with treats. All the kids were supposed to bring treats and their parents (like my mama) brought the boring stuff- graham crackers, apple juice and fruit. So Ms Sarretha went to the big kids room and brought up the good stuff- cheese puffs, chips and dip and cake. I sat at the table but had to change chairs because unlike my friends, I dont like to sit still. My mama learned our snack time rules today:

1) put your hands on your lap when waiting for a snack
2) no getting up from the table
3) no walking around with food, if you eat you must sit
4) no dropping food on the floor
5) everyone helps to clean up
6) get in line to wash our hands

I don't follow any of the rules, except I like to wash my hands. And sometimes I will help clean up. But now that Mama knows the rules, she said we are going to have these same rules at home.

You can see that I ate all the sugary foods. My teachers laughed at mama when she took me home. They said to her "have fun!" but it wasnt really that fun. I threw a temper tantrum in Target and we had to leave. I was so hyper that even I was miserable with myself. I came home and just wanted to go to bed for the night.

No candy for me on the real Valentine's Day!

1 comment:

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

What a cutie!! Looks like a fun party, especially once the really good food came out!